Paediatric consultations

complimentary discovery call


If you're unsure as to how I can best assist you in getting to the bottom of your little ones health/nutrition concerns, I would love to have a quick chat to discuss your concerns and how I can help.

standard consultation

1 HOUR | ZOOM ($175)

Our first opportunity to meet, after you have filled out the client intake form detailing your child’s health history. We will discuss any concerns you have, I will come up with an individualised plan, and following our consult I will email you a summary of our consultation.

Topics can Include:

  • Starting Solids, Introducing Allergens, Picky/Fussy Eaters, Increasing Interest in Solids, Progressing Through Solids, General Nutrition Education and much more!

standard consultation + IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT


This is the perfect option for those that feel really overwhelmed by the issues you’re experiencing with your little one. It includes an initial consultation, followed by 2 weeks of ongoing support from me.

  • 60 minute consultation

  • Plan to tackle the issue you have come to me with

  • 2 weeks of unlimited messaging (via Practice Better)

  • Discount off follow up consultations


30 MIN | ZOOM ($85)

Designed for when you have a quick question, that you would rather not spend hours Googling! Instead know you will receive the correct, evidence based information to answer your question.

  • Weaning, Milk/Food Routine, Weight again, Meal Progression, Recipes/Inspiration

Ultimate picky eating support package

1 HOUR (+ 45 MIN x 2) | ZOOM + UNLIMITED SUPPORT ($550)

Are you really struggling with mealtimes and feeling incredibly overwhelmed? Are you concerned this phase of picky eating will never end, and your child will forever refuse what you put in front of them? Then this is the package for you! My additional training in the SOS Approach to Feeding - Picky Eating vs Problem Feeding, has enabled me to develop this comprehensive package to guide you over the course of six weeks, and help you create a toolbox of strategies that will skyrocket your confidence in managing your little ones picky eating. 

  • Comprehensive intake form

  • 60 minute initial consultation

  • 2 x 45 minute follow up consultations (2 weekly)

  • A personalised plan following every consult

  • Unlimited text message support between consults

  • Access to downloadable resources where needed


40 MINUTES | ZOOM ($110)

Existing Clients Only - Generally booked 2-4 weeks post the initial consultation. I will assess any progress made, offer further advice and provide you with an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have.